The Choptones Rock Pack Vol.1 for AXE-FX III is the perfect combination between great FAS amp simulations, the amazing quality of Choptones Custom IRs and patches engineering.
The pack contains 3 high quality patches, 8 scenes each one, for a total amount of 24 different rigs.
IRs specs:
Mesa Boogie OS 4x12 blended with a Friedman 4x12 both loaded with Celestion V30:
- BogieFried412V30_57_421_Mix1 (Shure SM57 on Mesa / Sennheiser MD421 on Friedman)
- BogieFried412V30_I5_57_Mix1 (Audix I5 on Mesa/ Shure SM57 on Friedman)
Remember to set the gain and general volume knobs at your liking, according to your guitar and pick ups!
Compatible with Axe FX III. 2 Custom IR Cabs Included