Bogie 2CPP (345 Profiles)
Seeking to recreate the sound of a Mesa Boogie Mark IIC++ SRG
300 Studio Profiles + 45 Direct Profiles
Seeking to recreate the sound of a Mesa Boogie Mark IIC++ SRG
300 Studio Profiles + 45 Direct Profiles
- Marshall 1960 4x12
- Marshall 1982JH Tall 4x12
- Orange 2x12
- Mesa Boogie 2x12
- Marshall 425 4x12 Cab
- Mesa Boogie OS 4x12
- Mesa Boogie Road King 4x12 and 2x12
- Carvin Legacy 4x12
- Rivera 4x12 and 2x12
- Bogner 4x12 and 2x12
- Hesu 2x12
- Celestion - V30, G12M, G12C, A-Type, V-Type
- Marshall - G12C
- Electrovoice - EVM12BLS
- Sennheiser - e609, MD421
- Royer - R-121
- Beyerdynamic - M201TG, M160
- Shure - SM57, SM58
- Audiotechnica - AT2035
- AKG - C414
Boosted with
- Boss SD1 TS808 mod
- Boss SD1-w
- Fuchs Plush Extreme Cream
- Fortin Grind
- Ibanez TS9
- Maxon OD808
- Mesa Flux Drive
- Mesa Grid Slammer
- MXR Berzerker OD
- MXR Modified OD
- MXR Wylde Audio OD
- MXR Wylde OD
- Protone Dino Cazares
- Rodenberg SL-OD