Metal Modern vol1 - Custom Shop Kemper Profiles (20 profiles)
Choptones Custom Shop Kemper Profiles are the maximum expression of the experience acquired in years by Choptones Team. A finest selection from our Direct profiles and our Cabs choice and an accurate tailoring gives you the best Kemper experience you ever tried.This pack contains several rigs and multiple cabinets/speakers/microphones combinations.
Once loaded into Rig Manager, you could easily find all this useful informations in tag section.
Premium Choptones Direct Profiles are merged with our Impulse Responses to create an unbelievable tone, in terms of dynamics and warmth.
The Choptones Metal Modern Vol1 Kemper pack brings together some great guitar amps for modern metal tones.
20 high quality profiles, 5 different amps, great Metal tones!
- Diezel VH4 6L6
- Engl E606 Ironball
- Engl E766 Inferno Marty Friedman signature
- EVH 5150III 6L6 100W
- Randall Thrasher 50
- Hesu Modern 2x12
- Bogner 4x12
- Fortin 2x12
- EVH 4x12
- Mesa Boogie 2x12
- Mesa Boogie 4x12
- Diezel 4x12
- Zilla 2x12
- Celestion V-Type
- Celestion V30
- Celestion EVH
- Eminence Governor
- Eminence DV77
- Hesu Demon
So, welcome to the Choptones Custom Shop world!