Fend Bass 50 - Essential Pack
Seeking to recreate the sound of a 1970 Fender Bassman 50
7 Studio Profiles
New Choptones "Ready-to-play" Profiles (different from the Full Pack)
- Marshall 4x12 loaded with Celestion G12T75
- Marshall 4x12 loaded with Celestion Rola
- Soldano 4x12 loaded with Eminence Legend V12
- Vox 4x12 loaded with Celestion Alnico Blue
- Hughes & Kettner 4x12 loaded with Celestion G12M
- Mesa Boogie 1x12 loaded with Celestion C90
- Shure SM57
- Sennheiser MD409, MD421
- Neumann U87
Boosted with Ibanez TS9