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Elevate Your Sound with NUX Devices: A Simple Guide to Load Patches and IRs

Posted by Livio Colucci on


The Nux MG-30 is your go-to tool for recording, practice sessions, and stellar on-stage performances. Whether you're a proud owner or a potential buyer, with the NUX QuickTone Editor software, you can adjust parameters, import patches, load external IRs, and orchestrate the audio routing via USB. This easy walkthrough aims to instruct you on how to upload third-party patches and IRs to your Nux MG-30.

As a dedicated guitarist, you are constantly in pursuit of top-tier patches and IRs for your Nux MG-30 to authentically mirror your musical persona. In our search for the finest in the market for your Nux MG-30, we have curated the best patches and a robust stock of studio-sourced IRs.

The following procedure might be used for loading patches and IRs on the following devices:

Launching QuickTone Editor and Connecting Your Nux MG-30

Begin with opening the QuickTone Editor software on your computer and use a USB cable to connect your Nux MG-30 modeler.

Importing Presets

  1. In the QuickTone Editor, locate and click the "Import" button on the top toolbar.
  2. Select the preset you desire for your Nux MG-30 and click “Open”.
  3. Assign a bank for the new preset, select it, and hit the "Import" button to proceed.
  4. Upon successful import, a confirmation message will display.

Importing Impulse Responses (IRs)

  1. Within QuickTone Editor, right-click the cabinet section.
  2. From the dropdown menu, click on "User".
  3. Left-click the cabinet space and push the "Import" button.
  4. Navigate to your computer's IR file storage.
  5. Select the IR file for import and click "Open".
  6. Allow the software to process and update your IRs.
  7. A confirmation message will appear upon successful import.

Congratulations! You have succeeded in uploading patches and IRs to your Nux MG-30. With this guide and our curated patches and IRs recommendations, you are ready to take your Nux MG-30 experience up a notch and explore an extensive array of sounds and tones. Upgrade your setup and unleash new depths in your music!


Watch the video tutorial:


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